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Aesthetic & Regenerative Urology: Andrology & Urogynaecology by Dr. Greta Peciulyte
Harley Street, London, United Kingdom

About Me
Your Urologist and Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine Doctor
Dear All, my name is Dr. (Miss) Greta Peciulyte.
Since I remember myself, I have been passionate about surgery. I received my medical degree from one of the top universities in the Baltic region (North Eastern area nearby the Baltic Sea, an arm of the North Atlantic Ocean) - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences - and went on to complete my specialty training (Residency) in Urology, where I have been practicing alongside some of the most talented urological surgeons including Prof. Jievaltas, The President of Lithuanian Association of Urology. While pursuing my urological training in Lithuania (I am a Senior Resident (trainee/ SpR) in Urology at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital Kaunas Clinics), I registered with GMC (register of doctors) in the United Kingdom. Because of the latter, I hold two medical licenses: one is valid in Lithuania and another - in the United Kingdom. After my registration with GMC, I spent one year at Princess Royal University Hospital, London, United Kingdom, working as a General Surgery Senior House Officer (SHO).
Afterwards my successful training at Harley Academy (first government-regulated cosmetic training in the United Kingdom), I became a certified Aesthetics Doctor. Since then, I have pursued career in Aesthetics Medicine at Mills Medical Services (Moorgate Andrology and Lanson Medical), while continuing my training in the Urology (Urological Surgery).
From time to time, I still used to work as a Locum Senior House Officer in the NHS (General Surgery / Urology wards). I have graduated from my specialty training in field of the Urology in Lithuania, in 2020. Shortly, I have appeared on the GMC Specialist Register (Urology) in the United Kingdom. During COVID-19 pandemic, I have devoted my work in my home country Lithuania, where it was needed the most. I worked as a Consultant Urologist in The Kretinga Hospital, Kretinga Lithuania. Once the pandemic has finished, I was honored with an opportunity to enroll into a Urology fellowship at The UCLH, University College London Hospital.
I am very proud to have worked at prestigious and highly professional Moorgate Andrology Clinic, which offers a wide range of Plastic Surgery & Urology (mainly, Andrology) services since early 2018. I am still pursuing fellowships in surgical Urology.
I have had work experience at:
Princess Royal University Hospital, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Public Perm Hospital, Perm, Russia
The Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas, Lithuania
Klaipeda University Hospital, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Kretinga Hospital, Kretinga, Lithuania
The University College London Hospital (The UCLH), London, The United Kingdom
Whittington Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Moorgate Andrology, London, The United Kingdom
Lanson Medical , London, The United Kingdom
10 Harley Street Clinic, London, The United Kingdom
Harley Health Village, 64 Harley Street, London, The United Kingdom
Harley Street Hospital, 19 Harley Street, London, The United Kingdom
I have hold memberships in these professional organizations:
Lietuvos Urologu Draugija (eng. Lithuanian Association of Urology) (LUD)
Lietuvos Seksualines Medicinos Draugija (eng. Lithuanian Society for Sexual Medicine) (LSMD)
British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS)
International Association of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine (IASRM)
American Urology & Gynecology Society (AUGS)
I have been an author of several research articles. Also, I have been an international speaker in conferences presenting my recent researches to the scientific communities of the medical doctors.

Dr Greta Peciulyte is ex-Vice President of IASRM
IASRM, International Association of Regenerative Medicine
IASRM, International Association of Stemcell & Regenerative Medicine is dedicated to delivering valuable knowledge that is effective, efficient and respectful for Science, Medical and Healthcare service with Integrity and Accountability using both proven, approved applications, methods and protocols.

Dr Greta Peciulyte is currently working at:
Dr Greta Peciulyte has been insured with Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance

Dr Greta Peciulyte has been insured with Galagher Medical Insurance

Dr Greta Peciulyte is a fully qualified Doctor - Urologist. She is registered with the General Medical Council with the license to practice in the United Kingdom (on the Specialist Register - Urology).
Dr Greta Peciulyte is a member of Cosmetic Reddress Scheme.

In the field of Aesthetic Medicine, despite being fully licensed to use Botox and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers in her daily practice, Dr Peciulyte has been trained & additionally certified to work with:



“Knowledge is of no value until you put it into practice”
Anton Chekhov